The Institute of Future Distance Education is leading the future of
lifelong education and creating a new educational paradigm.
As the only specialized institute of distance education in Korea, IFDE aims to take the lead in conducting academic research in distance higher lifelong education and to contribute to the educational innovation at KNOU and the quality improvement of distance higher education, as a “Think Tank” to formulate university development policies.
Through various research activities, the Institute for Future Distance Education at KNOU has been playing a pivotal role in the development of KNOU, the cradle of distance education in Korea, into a leading university for lifelong distance education.
Reflecting the changing composition of our society, the changing technological environment, and the changing needs of the times for education, we have been resetting the direction of distance education and lifelong education at KNOU and exploring a new educational paradigm for Korea that is suitable for the new normal era. Today's society is demanding a flexible and innovative education system due to rapid social changes such as the 4th Industrial Revolution, pandemic, and demographic changes. In addition, the recent enactment of KNOU Law has raised social responsibilities and expectations for our universities. The Institute of Future Distance Education at KNOU will explore various possibilities in the face of challenges and issues in the rapidly changing educational environment and continue to conduct research for sustainable distance lifelong education. We will also provide support for teaching and learning at KNOU and lay the foundation to strengthen the teaching and research capabilities of faculty members.
As we embark on our 50th anniversary, we look forward to realising our vision of a ‘Success Platform for a Better Tomorrow’ and encouraging you to help us develop into the world's leading K-distance lifelong learning institution.
Director, Institute of Future Distance Education, KNOU